4-полюсный выключатель-разъединитель

Faraday Electric was established in 1999. 50% of our company’s employees graduated from universities and technical colleges. The company covers an area of over 200 acres and has an annual turnover of 40 million US dollars. State Grid Corporation of China has chosen our company as the main supplier of medium voltage transformers. The product can be widely used in hotel,high building,large-scale work site, etc.

Due to its excellent quality, our products have been sold to more than 90 countries and regions such as Asia,Africa,Oceania,Europe. We are the main supplier of power transformers and distribution transformers in China. Our company focuses on the research and manufacturing of high-quality, energy-saving and environmentally friendly transformers. The main products include Power transformer,voltage regulator,indoor & outdoor switch,RMU & Switchgears. In our production process, our company strictly adheres to the provisions of the ISO quality control system and provides customers with the best after-sales service to ensure customer satisfaction.

Название продукта 4-полюсный выключатель-разъединитель
Название бренда Фаради
Место происхождения Чжэцзян, Китай
Состояние Новый
Приложение отель, высотное здание... и т.д.
Послепродажное обслуживание Техническая поддержка в режиме онлайн
Страны экспорта Оман, Бангладеш, Кот-д'Ивуар, Афганистан... и т.д.
Возможность поставки 100 комплектов/комплектов в месяц

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The workshop show for 4 pole switch disconnector



Our customers come to visit 4 pole switch disconnector products


This is 4 pole switch disconnector and other products




This is our 4 pole switch disconnector product installation display